

Duck Boat Blind Basics

11 May 2020
, Blog

If you are a novice duck hunter, you may still be gathering your repertoire of hunting methods. There are many different ways out there to get the prize. For example, some hunters rely heavily on dogs, while others use lures or calls. Most hunters use many different methods to ensure that no hunting trip is unfruitful. Another great duck hunting method is by boat. However, ducks are not too friendly with hunters who just float up on a boat and then start shooting.
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Why You Should Use Baseball Balance Boards When Practicing

29 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When practicing and sharpening your baseball skills, you might use a lot of tricks and techniques. You might even use various types of equipment to help with improving your skills. Still, you may not have tried balance boards. Here are some of the reasons why these are great training tools for baseball players of all ages and skill levels. They Don't Cost Much From pitching machines to turf shoes and cleats, you might have spent a lot of money on different things related to baseball.
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Athletic Training Starting To Feel Lonely Or Monotonous? How Social Media Platforms For Athletes Can Help

28 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Anyone who has ever participated in a sport, even at the beginner level, knows how much training goes into mastering it. For an athlete at high competition levels, training often includes conditioning, rigorous diet and nutrition programs, mindset exercises, and offseason training, all in addition to the countless hours spent playing the sport itself. Serious athletes dedicate five to six hours every day to their training programs, and as a result, they are left with very little time to socialize with friends, especially if those athletes are still in school.
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Your First Time At An Archery Range: Tips For A Fun, Safe Time

24 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Visiting an archery shooting range is a fun way to get some exercise and learn a new skill. Your first visit can bring a few surprises, but with the tips below, you'll have a fun and safe time. 1. Go with someone who has done archery before. If you have a friend or family member who has done archery before, bring them along! While there may be instructors at the archery range who could teach you the basics, it's more fun to learn the basics from someone you know.
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Don’t Overlook These Important Things When Booking A Fishing Boat Rental

22 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Going out on a party boat with 40 people can be fun, but sometimes you'd prefer to fish on a private boat with just a few friends. Booking a charter excursion is out of your budget, but renting a smaller boat for a few hours in the bay may be more affordable. When booking the boat, make sure you choose the rent the appropriate size. Match the vessel to both the fish and your friends.
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About Me
Yes, It's a Sport

Quite often, people ask questions like "is competitive eating a sport? and "is horseback riding a sport?" Chances are, if you are even asking this question, it's a sport. See, sports are not just about being physically active — although one could certainly argue that competitive eating and horseback riding are physically active. They are also about pushing yourself, setting goals, and achieving those goals. Sports come in so many different forms. On this website, we hope to honor all sorts of different sports, and also to discuss the equipment needed to compete in those sports. Dig in; we think you'll enjoy what you read.
