Tips For How To Dress When You're Out On The Golf Course

Tips For How To Dress When You're Out On The Golf Course

Tips For How To Dress When You're Out On The Golf Course

30 September 2021
, Blog

Have you been invited to a golf outing for the first time, but you are not quite sure what you should wear? If so, it will help to follow these tips so that you are dressed appropriately for a round of golf.

Check Out Photos Of The Course

If you want to know what kind of vibe there is at the golf course in terms of what people wear, it is always worth looking at pictures online. You can likely find pictures on social media by searching for the name of the club, but you can also find pictures on their website of the image that they like to present to their members. This is a good way to determine how classy this golf club is so that you know what to expect. 

Wear A Collared Shirt

It is very common for men to wear a collared shirt when golfing. Since being out on the golf course is not something that anybody can do, golfing is viewed as a more luxurious activity and the clothing should reflect that. However, there may be a dress code at the golf course about how you wear your shirt. It's always a good idea to have your shirt tucked in since it looks nicer than leaving it untucked. 

Wear Nice Shorts Or Pants

One area where you definitely have flexibility is when it comes to wearing shorts or pants since it will highly depend on the weather. Don't feel as if you need to wear long khakis because shorts do not feel like they are professional looking enough. Be aware that higher-end golf courses are not going to allow jeans, and you will need docker-style pants or shorts in order to play.

Consider A Hat

Hats and visors are also going to be allowed since they help keep the sun out of your eyes when you are playing. While hats are usually considered rude to wear in some higher-end establishments, this is not the case when you are on the golf course. That said, it may be best to take off your hat or visor if you are doing any fine dining inside the club.

Get Golf Shoes

Definitely pay attention to your shoes since you don't want to wear tennis shoes or sandals while playing. Golf shoes have spikes on them that will give you some extra grip when swinging the club. However, know that many golf courses don't allow golf shoes with metal spikes on them. You are better off getting golf shoes with soft rubber spikes that won't damage the greens. 

For more information, contact a golf apparel company in your area, such as Bird-E.

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